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Al Dana Lawyer software.

Your office between ur hand on your mobile we ever you go.

Auto Receiving cases on roll and your daily tasks.

A private account for each client (Dashboard).

communicate with clients automatically via whatsapp and e-mail.

The Program can use from anywhere and any device.

Advanced security system to protect the confidentiality of data.


Cases management                        

* Cases affairs   * Rules and regulations  * 14 Alerts for cases and judgments  * Multi Reports                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Program Advantages

* Multi Users with Privilege for each user  * Arabic English  * User Friendly

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* Communicate with customers easily via WhatsApp, e-mail and the account of each customer.

 *The customer can follow up on all his cases on one official page - Dashboard.

* Uses the latest technologies to improve and save time, effort and accuracy of results.

 *It is used from anywhere in the world through any computer or mobile phone.


Advanced Integrated @ERP Software

Al Dana legal affairs management system was prepared to be an integrated system.

Easy to use and to meet all administrative and financial requirements and to organize business.

Follow up on issues and sessions automatically and follow up on the work of employees.

Detailed reports on all data entered. The system is characterized by ease and flexibility with one screen.

Only to enter all the case data, and the programs have a security system to protect the data.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of information while specifying security powers for each user to enter the program.


Administratively, The System

The system is characterized by integration and comprehensiveness.

For all the requirements of lawyers, the automatic follow-up feature is available.

For issues and dates of upcoming sessions.

So that it is automatically alerted to update the data


Electronic file with writing notes

* The system is characterized by the presence of a feature

writing case notes without borders terms and agencies

and Any documents in the same case file

this makes it easy to refer to any document

especially the case with ease.


Communication with clients

* Where an official website for the client is automatically created on the program (Dashboard).

he can access it and follow up on all his cases in one place

he can communicate with the administration and send documents

or reading notes, which saves management time and effort

to inform the client of the latest cases.


* Professional Fee contracts  * Performa & invoices for clients  * Receipt & Payment Vouchers   * Multiple accounting reports

Human Resources                  

* Fully HR System   * Integrated w.t.attendance machine  * Employee Tasks  * Salary sheets                                                                                                                                                                   


Administrative work for employees (task management)

* To automatically follow up the work of the employees to complete the special work

issues on time and the tasks assigned to them

the system is sent automatically via WhatsApp and e-mail

the competent employee has all the work required to be completed

also, a reminder if the task is not completed on time.


Management Reports

* The program features

having a large number of administrative reports

the most important administrative

Cases on Roll of daily or weekly traded suits

inquiries about a client and his cases

inquiry about a case and its sessions

inquiries about the issues of each advisor

inquiries about issues

(Initial resume, in memorization

inquiries about administrative tasks for employees

and perform the tasks assigned to them .


The system from an accounting point of view

* The administrative system is linked with the accounting system

the accountant is fully linked and a fee agreement is made

after registering the case in the administrative department

the program contains all the accounting treatments

fee contracts, receivables and exchange bonds

entry bonds, customer invoices, account statements, and all accounting reports such as ..

* Daily expenses and revenues * As long as the general accounts

 * Automated settlement of checks received and issued post-dated checks

* General Ledger   * Bank statement and cash   *Monthly Bank Reconciliation

* Balances remaining on clients * Trial balance of accounts

* Profit and Loss * Balance Sheet.


Special Features of Al Dana Integrated Legal Management Program

* The possibility of using the program from anywhere in the world and from any computer or mobile phone.

* An integrated system of management and accounts in one program the accountant does not need to enter customer data again

* Automated follow-up using WhatsApp and e-mail to customers and office officials.

* Automatic reminder of forgotten sessions to update them on the system.

* Comprehensive electronic file system which contains case notes and all agencies, decisions and documents.

* Communicate with clients through the official account of each client.

* The system uses a powerful database (SQL SERVER).

* Enter the data only once and then distribute it to all sections

* Multi-user with defining security powers for each user.

* In two languages ​​(Arabic, English).

* Easy to use and unique system new ideas and works with high efficiency and accuracy.


Protection system in the program

*The program has a high-performance protection system

it contains 65 security permissions for each user these permissions are controlled and granted to users by the administration



*The general warranty on the program is for one year

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