Your visit to our website means a great opportunity for to us to build goodwill to all of our patrons and users. Inthis regard, we at aldana-computer.com LLC highly aim to protect your identity as a member or guest in our website.

Because your privacy is important to us, we would like to share with you the following principles that govern our information practices and other privacy aspects of our Website.


Each individual who uses our website would have to provide personal information which you opt to use solely for individual basis and personal information which you opt to use by general public as they browse our Website.

By using our website, you consent to the terms of our privacy policy for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information for the purposes set out below. We do not collect, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose other than those identified below, except with your consent or as required by law.


Each time a user comes to this website, our system collects and logs certain information. This information is kept for a reasonable period of time. This information includes, but is not restricted to your machine’s TCP/IP address, your username (if applicable), date, time and files accessed.

We also use your personal information for purposes of administering and expanding our business activities by providing you related information on products and services that we think valuable to you.

This also contains data needed by our system to be processed by our database engine in order to serve your requirements. Most often than not, data collected are considered as already part of the system, to be used solely for performance, administration, security reviews and to provide results as required by the user.

All information gathered is not shared nor sold in any way to third party organizations and individuals as well.


Personal information, such as your name, company, personal postal and email address, or personal telephone number is collected only when you voluntarily provide it. Such information is received when you for a new user id or complete an online form , or make some other specific contact, such as sending an email through the site The personal information you provide to this website is forwarded only to the person or department equipped to handle your request and is used only to respond to your inquiry.


We strongly suggest that you do not send your private information to us via email for the simple reason that email is not recognized as a secured medium for electronic communication.

Every time you log on to our server you will be in a secure session that is established with Secure Sockets layer (SSL). While connected with SSL, every transmission between your computer and aldana-computer.com is encrypted with 128 bit encryption, totally hiding your data while it travels to us.

We will always maintain control over the confidentiality of your information. We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of customer information, to have access to that information.

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